Thursday, August 13, 2009

'Successful' Video Shoot Behind the Scenes

As I was casually browsing the web, I decided to stop at Octobers Very Own to see what was new. I'm excited to see that they are shooting a video for my favorite song from the 'So Far Gone' tape. And even more excited about the director, Jake Davis. This guy has an eye for excellence along with an intricate mind which, together, makes for something monumental. I've been following his blog since either late 2008 or early this year. I advice fashion-heads to follow also. He always has some interesting posts and views about various things. BUT ANYHOW, back to Drake's vid. Here are a few pics from the video shoot.

Sources Mentioned:
The Jake Davis Blog (includes a video of his recap of the video shoot)
The OVO Blog

-Pay Attention-

1 comment:

Cookie chrisp said...

drizzy is thhe all ^^